Monday, January 12, 2009

Give To Receive

#12 - If there’s something you really want, you are often required to give it first. Maybe it’s the universe of a higher power testing our worthiness, but, more often than not, we have to give before we are able to receive. The ironic thing is, that when you give with the intention of receiving, you are almost guaranteed to be met with, yet, more disappointment still. Paradoxically, if you give for the sheer peace of mind of it and to express gratitude because it’s the right thing to do, you get what you gave, plus interest. It’s all about intention. The more pure, or unconditional, the intention, the more you get back in return.

If you desire friends, be friendly. This will garner you many friends who will be as loyal as you are to them. It’s amazing how it worksJ.

If you desire love, give love unconditionally. See for yourself how it magically boomerangs back to you! It’s uncanny.

Oftentimes, usually out of greed or fear, we want to know our "return on investment" before we act. Human relationships aren't designed that way. They're designed in such a way that you reap what you sow. The only way to get the most out of them, and in life, is to live with a spirit of genorosity with your heart open. Zig Ziglar famously says "if you want something, help another person get it first". Sure there will be people who may attempt to take advantage of you, but trust that this boomerang effect will give them what they have coming. Besides, you can only control your actions and intentions.

It may not be always immediate (see Lesson #10, God’s delays are not God’s denials), but if you consistently act in ways that you would like to be reciprocated (The Golden Rule), it will assuredly be returned to you.

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