Friday, January 16, 2009

#14 - Building A Legacy

None of us is capable of living forever in the flesh, but it’s possible to leave a much longer-lasting impression in spirit. This is done by making a difference in people’s lives, primarily your children and loved ones, and passing down your life lessons, spirit of generosity, and ethics. This is called leaving a legacy.

This can be applied both positive or negatively. Gandhi would be a great example of a positive legacy, while most would agree Adolf Hitler would be a prime example of a tragic one. While few of us will leave that type of imprint on history, good or bad, they did, we all have that potential within us. This is particularly true within our sphere of influence.

Be mindful of the impact you have on that sphere and consciously choose your actions, attitudes and decisions with the Longview in mind. Don’t fall into the trap that what you do doesn’t matter and is happening in a vacuum. Fair or not, the things we do and the course we take impacts people in a variety of ways, both seen and unseen. The better decisions you make & actions you take, the more enjoyable and fulfilling your life will be today and in the decades when you have the benefit of perspective. To put in more common vernacular: Don’t screw over Future You and those who have a stake in you.

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