Wednesday, January 14, 2009

#13 - Purpose

“If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”-Dr. Dre
I’m sure Dr. Dre is not the first person to say that, just the first one that comes to mind for me:). When you are fulfilling your life’s purpose and directing your attention, energies and efforts toward that end, a feeling of calm and confidence flows naturally like a current. When you become distracted and fail to consistently do the things that enrich and fulfill you, it’s like a dam being stopped up. The current stops, the water stagnates and the life inside slowly dies and becomes putrid smelling, disgusting and gross.

To live life in this way requires a definite chief aim (I get this from Napolean Hill, a man with much wisdom) and a healthy dose of faith, courage and discipline, especially initially, when you are still feeling your way around. Eventually, when you make enough deposits of positive action and courage, it becomes engrained as a habit. It’s by knowing your purpose, coming up with a plan to pursue it (goals), building it and finally maintaining it, where real power and fulfillment for yourself and others originates from. Otherwise you leave yourself to the mercy of fate and whatever passing fancy comes along.

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