Monday, January 19, 2009

#15 - Decisiveness

Be slow and deliberate to make up your mind. Be even slower and more deliberate to change it. When it comes to making a decision on matters of import, a wise man never haphazardly or randomly makes up his mind how to proceed. He wisely considers his options in a given situation and projects, as best he can, what he can reasonably expect to be the results of his decision and his following actions. Once he has considered the options available to him and a decision and course of action are finalized, it's incumbent upon him to see it through to the best of his ability.

Seeing as we are all human and misjudgments can easily be made, and situations develop based on our actions differently than anticipated and other factors outside of our control, it's concievable, if not likely, circumstances will arise where we'll deem it a prudent idea to change our minds. Just be sure when you come to that conclusion, you've reasoned it out just as, if not more, thoroughly, than when you made the initial decision. It's easy to become frustrated, bored or disillusioned with the staying the course sometimes, but all moments pass. Spring always follows the winter. Be as sure as you can that you're deciding to switch course for the the greater good and overall gain, not as an impulse.

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