Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Faith & Patience

#10 God’s delays are not God’s denials. So often people want what they want, when they want it. No ands, ifs or buts about it, if results, particularly favorable ones, are not immediately forthcoming after the expenditure of effort, too many of us will throw up our hands in frustration, ready to scrap the whole thing. While there is a fine art to being able to tell the difference between the law of diminishing returns, where you may be kicking a dead horse, and persistence, it’s important to not be too quick to give up and move on at the first hint of trouble or resistance. Many circumstances in life are out of the realm of control and subject to timing. Many years ago my good friend really liked a young woman whom he felt he had a kinship and great chemistry with. However, she never seemed to be available for him to date, as she always was in another romantic relationship. My friend Jim, despite the heartache of seeing Liz go through bad boyfriend after bad boyfriend, was steadfast in his friendship. Eventually, after seven long years, the day came when she was free and Jim finally got his chance to court her as more than a friend. I’m proud to report they got married in 2003 and are happily married today, the picture of wedded bliss!

This age old principle is applicable to a multitude of situations. If you are consistent, persistent and concern yourself with things you can control (your effort and attitude), then the natural laws of the universe (you reap what you sow) will ultimately reward you.

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