Wednesday, March 11, 2009

#34 - Success Conciousness

"Success leaves clues" - Anthony Robbins There are very few things under the sun that haven't either been done, thought of, expressed or written about, ad nauseum, especially in this era of the internet where a guy like me in his room in Nashville, TN can have a worldwide audience (if they only knew where to find me:) ). But I digress. For the most part, it's all been done before in a some way, shape or form. How this applies to success is you don't have to re-invent the wheel, necessarily, to be successful. If someone else did it, so can you for the most part. Of course there are exceptions, (for example it's unlikely any of us reading this could ever break a world speed record, no matter how much effort we put into it, if we're not gifted with some predisposition to do so).

The first step is defining for yourself what success means to you. Otherwise you're aiming at a target you can't identify or see. I can't think of too much more frustrating than that, yet that's what most of us do on a daily basis. Now, remember, it's your definition of success, not someone else's. Failing that, everything you do will have a hollow, unfulfilling feel to it. It won't be personal or meaningful for very long.

Once you've established that criteria, the best thing to do is to find someone in the arena you want to be successful in and model them, specifically their actions and mindset. Be open and willing to learn, adapt their approach and the spirit of what they're doing and success, if you commit to it and pursue it with daily renewed vigor and effort, is only a matter of time.

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