Wednesday, March 4, 2009

#32 Calculated Risks

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. While it often makes sense to mitigate risk, be it financial, emotional, etc., far too many of us take it too far and are varying degrees of reluctant to leave our comfort zones and expose ourselves to failure of some sort.

Most dying people, however, regret the things they did NOT do much more than the things they DID do (or at least that the way it seems). Of course there are exceptions to every rule, but if you never or rarely do anything that requires some degree of risk there are countless, untold opportunities you will miss out on in terms of personal relationships, job and advancement opportunities, money-making ventures, and most of all, a sense of adventure and fulfillment in the course of a worthwhile and exciting life. Far too often we let our fears dictate what we can and cannot do. Try, and you might fail. But try, with an honest, sincere effort and you may succeed beyond your wildest dreams! Even if you temporarily fail, there will be valuable insights and lessons to take away that you otherwise would've never been exposed to. Many people have used their "failures" to guide them to eventual, wild success.

This is not a license to be careless or reckless, mind you. Certain things simply don't need to be attempted to know a tragic result would follow ( such as leaping headlong off a tall building without a chute). Use your intuition, judgment and research to prepare and aid you in deciding the best way to proceed or decide whether the proverbial juice is worth the squeeze. There is no shame in failing, only failing to plan.

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