Wednesday, February 25, 2009

#29 - Accepting Blame

"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible" - Stanislaw Lec

When a problem arises the best course of action is to accept your fair share of the blame and do your best to solve it before it grows any worse. You'd rather kill a monster while it's small, as opposed to a huge, snarling beast that you can only hope to contain.

One of the reasons World War II even happened is because the European nations chose to ignore the agression of Germany and Adolf Hitler early on, when they boldly violated the Versailles Treaty and went into the Rhineland and on to Poland. Millions of lives could've been potentially spared had France, Britain and other countries in the pact interceded and stood up to Hitler before he grew out of control (even the United States too, to a certain extent).

While this is an extreme example, look at your own life. How many times have you let something slide, or not dealt with an issue because you hoped it would go away, work itself out, or you simply weren't ready or willing to deal with the situation for whatever reason? I think at some point we all have, and when we are forced to deal with it, oftentimes it's too late or infinitely more difficult to deal with than if we had been proactive, dealt with the unpleasantness of the moment initially and simply nipped it in the bud. Hopefully we learn the lesson and continue on in the future to deal with problems in a timely fashion before they reach an intolerable breaking point.

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