Monday, February 9, 2009

#24 Money

The root of all evil is not money itself. The root of all evil is the unabashed desire for money and using means necessary to accrue it. Why do you think so many of us are outraged and cynical when it comes to corporate America and its CEO’s when they take these huge bonuses while their companies crumble and rot from the inside out, are given huge bailouts by the government (hardly saints themselves), while are huge layoffs of workers of said companies? Too many of our leaders, entrusted with huge corporations and elected public officials, have succumbed to greed and bald ambition, at the expense of sharing with humanity and those who helped them obtain their position in the first place. The irony is that money is a very fluid instrument that obeys certain laws, such as: the more you spread it around and share it (for commensurate compensation of course, an honest days work for an honest days wage) the more it grows and creates. It's when it stops and sits that commerce halts, and the pendulum swings the other way.

I think anybody reasonable sees the need for profits for a company to keep it a thriving, growing entity. Nobody should want to deny anyone their just desserts. However, there’s no reason that CEO’s and corporate officers should be releasing 100 million dollar ‘Golden Parachutes’, while using the cheapest labor in faraway lands, and then have the gall to scream poverty. That kind of imbalance and brazen hypocrisy is morally outrageous and unacceptable. Which leads us the original point. It’s the greed that allows billions to be destitute, hungry, diseased and homeless in our world, and allows evil to flourish in the hearts of men, seemingly at all costs. Until we figure out a way to make things more equitable within the boundaries of capitalism, the situation will only continue to get more dire and worsen, thus killing the Golden Goose of our economic system.

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