Monday, February 23, 2009

#28 - Friendship

"Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you" - Elbert Hubard

All of us have our unique personality quirks, habits, likes, pet peeves, prejudices, beliefs, personality styles, etc. It's a wonder sometimes we don't all get sick and tired of each other at some point. I digress, but, still, what fun would life be if we continually were lone wolves all the time, marching to the beat of our own drummer, never having someone close to confide in or share in the daily joys, miseries and endless, various experiences of life with? It'd be pretty hollow and empty is what it would be.

Family is one thing. For the most part, they're all stuck with you (and you with them). Now your friends, for the most part, we all chose them. Your true friends, as the quote says, know many, or most, of your ins-and-outs, what make you tick, and still make the emotional commitment to be there for you and the end of the day, and vice versa. My friend Michelle (pictured with me) and I could go on for days about the minutaie of our long-running relationship. For all of each others faults we're there for each other when the going gets rough and can find the magic in our relationship when sometimes you'd rather see the cracks. We like to take fun digs at each other, but woe to the person who does it to us when the other one is around. Someone like that is difficult to find and even tougher to let go so it always pays to hold on to something that precious.

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