Tuesday, February 3, 2009

#21 - Music

"I love music. Sweet, sweet music" - The O'Jays. Music is the fuel of of emotions and memories. Ever since I was a kid, I've had a strong love affair with music. My father instilled it in me early. Listening to hours after endless hours of old records turned me on to become the music-head I've become today. Though I've never become a musician myself, untold hours have been spent listening, dissecting and exploring literally thousands of different artists, songs etc from all eras. While 99% of people won't take it to the level I have, music encompasses every concievable emotion and establishes the rhythm of life.

The next time you watch a film, notice how the music, sometimes subtlely, sometimes as obvious as the nose on your face, can completely manipulate a scene and drive home the points and push and pull your emotions the way the director wants you to go. It's one of the most powerful anchors in humanity too.

For instance, think of Bill Conti's "Gonna Fly Now (Theme from 'Rocky')". When you hear the first few notes you can't help but think of the movie "Rocky", Sylvester Stallone runing up the steps in Philly and training like his life depended on it. I defy you to not think of it when you hear that song! Now that's a powerful anchor!

Another reason music is so powerful and personal is people have certain songs, albums and artists anchored to them and their emotions as the soundtracks of their lives. An iconic image of Johnny Cash, the first few notes of "Stairway to Heaven", Prince on stage can all transport people to another place and time. Your first kiss, your brother and sister dancing in the living room, a particular album that nursed you through a tough time, walking on a beautiful spring evening listening to your Walkman. Your first concert. Powerful stuff. One of the many reasons music will never die and always endure.

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