Monday, December 29, 2008

Learning: The Never Ending Lessons of Life

#6 Learn to embrace every day and use it to explore, learn, share & discover.

Not a single day that goes by should be wasted or taken for granted. Whoever said that “time is money” was off-base. You can make more money, but no matter what you do, I defy you to manufacture more time. Once it’s gone, that’s it. If they ever find a way to get us more time in a day, then someone will be due an obscene fortune.

If you stop to consider that you could live a hundred lifetimes and only begin to scratch the surface of what’s possible to learn, accomplish and experience, it make little sense to fritter away precious time being bored, unfocused or lazy. Killing time is akin to committing suicide to opportunities that you by-passed.

Inspiration is everywhere if you are open to it. Someone once asked me why I seemed to always be on a mission. My response was there was always so much to do and experience I didn’t want to miss the show. “The show” being the “show” of life. It’s all around you. It won’t always be readily apparent, but when you look outside the limited lense of life most of us see through, the buffet of possibilities is staggering. By having an open mind and an insatiable curiousity, it’s possible to get option stress from the limitless number of directions you can possibly go! That’s why tomorrow’s lesson is so crucial…

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