Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Power of Purpose

#7 - To have a purpose, a definite chief aim in life, is where so many mysteries and uncertainties of life get rectified.

When you crystallize what you want and stand for, the priorities of your life, and the choices you make, become infinitely streamlined and simplified.

When you have a purpose, your every action is infused with the inherent knowledge that you are moving closer towards your goals. I’m not talking about recreation, that’s an entirely different matter. We all need a way to decompress that may seem mindless, but in fact gives us a respite and recharges our psychological batteries.

If your work plays no role, or doesn’t offer room to express yourself and your purpose within it, it’s not only likely you will come to dislike or resent your job (or tolerate it at best), it’s a logical conclusion. Even if you numb yourself to it’s psychologically devastating and sapping effects, you will on some level, have a nagging lack of fulfillment and longing for an opportunity at another career path. This is your intuition and subconscious urging you to disengage and pursue something in line with your own personal truth, whatever that may be. Left unheeded it typically manifests itself in sour disposition, drug or alcohol dependency, and various forms of abuse that bleeds into your personal life (psychological, physical, emotional). For me, it used to manifest itself in overeating and feeling sorry for myself.

Stubborn refusal has only more dire consequences. We all have a gift and a calling. It’s up to each of us to discover and then heed it.

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