Friday, January 2, 2009


Hopefully your walls aren't this high

#8 - The irony is many of us spend more time attempting to devise ways to "cheat" discipline
or avoid the hard work it takes to achieve anything of consequence. Many a small fortune has been lost by men in get-rich-quick schemes, promising easy profits with a minimum of effort. Not to mention those whom look for a miracle pill to lose pounds and inches as if long-term weight loss came in a bottle If we become the few who consistently embrace the process of small daily actions and allow that discipline to become a habit, the rewards we reap would be infinitely worth more than the effort we expended doing it.

The obstacles we come upon, or walls, if you will, are there to keep out and filter those who are insincere, or lukewarm in their desire and efforts. If it were easy everybody would be doing it. For bold men (and women) of action, they are a challenge to be mounted. A mere temporary annoyance to be scaled! Tempted to take shortcuts of efforts or intimidated by the fear of the unknown as they may be, even if only for a moment, they rise above the temporary circumstance and exhaust their resources through using the tools at their disposal and are propelled forward by the righteousness of their purpose and intention. For these men of valor and decisiveness, the spoils are not in the scaling of the walls themselves, but in being the kind of person they become in getting over to their own personal promised lands.

We all pay some kind of price: the price of discipline, or the price of regret. One seems harder on the surface, but paves the road to peace of mind and a sense of well-being. The other seems easy on the surface, but leads to the kind of pain that is sneaky, insidious and leads to the loss of self-respect. The choice, as always, is yours.

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