Sunday, April 5, 2009

#41 - Goals

"A goal is just a dream with a deadline" - Harvey Mackay in "Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive"

Most of us have heard of that so-extreme-it's hard-to-believe statistical study that was done in 1979 for students in the Harvard MBA program whom were polled to see if they had goals or not. 3% had clear written goals, 13% had goals that weren't in writing and a whopping 84% had no definable goals at all. When they followed-up with those people ten years later, the 13% who had goals, but not written them down, were earning twice as much as those 84% who didn't. The 3% who had written them down? They were earning 10 TIMES as much on average, as the other 97% percent combined! Amazing seems to be an understatement. And these were people going to Harvard Business School, the best of the best, hardly slouches in their field.

No matter how scientific you view such statistics, it's hard to argue with the compelling results they underscore of those who keep and maintain written goals and then stick to achieving them.

All of us at one time fantasize, or day dream, of things we'd love to do, things we'd desire to own, trips we'd long to take, experiences we fantasize of engaging in, and careers we'd love to have. The key difference between the dreamer and the achiever is the dreamer is content enough to visit his desires in the realm of fantasy (the showroom of his/her mind), than return to reality where they don't have to go any further with it. The achiever, in contrast, writes down, in detail, exactly what they want, what steps they plan to take to get there, and proceeds to take massive, consistent action. The difference is easy to see. Sadly, more of us take more times planning a typical vacation than we do to write down goals that would benefit not only our lives, but those whom are impacted by us.
Whatever the mind can conceive and then believe, mixed with curiosity, persistence and faith, combined with a plan can, and will be, achieved. Will it be you? Or someone else? The choice, as it always has been, begins and ends with you!

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